- Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, and the Related Elements, Gordon and Breach Publishers,
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- Heteroatom Chemistry, Wiley Publishers; [QD399 H62]
- Russian Journal of General Chemistry, (translation of Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii),
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- Many other Journals
- The chemistry of phosphorus compounds, F.R. Hartley, Volumes 1-3; John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1994;
- Organophosphorus Chemistry, The Chemical Society (London), Volumes 1-28, 1970-1996;
[QD412.P1 O65]
- Topics in phosphorus chemistry, Interscience Publishers, Volumes 1-11, 1964-1983;
[QD181.P1 T65]
- Organophosphorus compounds, Wiley-Interscience Publishers, Volumes 1-7, 1972-1976;
[QD412.P1 K55]
- Neutral six coordinate phosphorus, C.Y.Wong, D.K.Kennepohl and R.G.Cavell, Chemical Reviews,
96, 1917-1951 (1996).
- Comparison of phosphorus and silicon: hypervalency, stereochemistry and reactivity,
R.R.Holmes, Chemical Reviews, 96, 927-950 (1996).
- Silicon-Phosphorus analogies: The mechanism of nucleophilic substitution at silicon
and phosphorus activated by external nucleophiles. Extension of coordination
of the reactive species, G.F.Lanneau, Phosphorus and Sulfur, 27, 43-54, (1986). [or see;
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106, 1060-1065 (1984)]
- Displacement reactions of phosphorus(V) compounds and their pentacoordinate intermediates,
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- Chain and ring phosphorus compounds - analogies between phoshorus and carbon chemistry,
M.Baudler; Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 21, 492-512 (1982).
- Phosphorus compounds with eight-membered heterocyclic systems: Synthesis and
three-dimensional structure, R.P.Arshinova, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, and the Related
Elements, 68, 155-191 (1992).
- Chemical Reviews, Volume 94, Issue 5, pages 1161-1456, 1994 (full issue):
- Transition and main group metals in cyclic phosphazanes and phosphazenes
- Synthesis of phosphorus-containing macrocycles and cryptands
- Low coordinate hypervalent phosphorus
- Stereochemical control of transition metal complexes by polyphosphine ligands
- Open-chain polyphosphorus hydrides (phosphanes)
- Synthetic applications of metalated phosphonium ylides
- Conformation and dynamics of DNA and protein-DNA complexes by 31P NMR
- No d orbitals but Walsh diagrams and may be banana bonds: chemical bonding in phosphines,
phosphine oxides and phosphonium ylides
- Preparation of scalemic P-chiral phosphines and their derivatives
- Preparation, characterisation and synthetic potential of unstable compounds
containing phosphorus-carbon multiple bonds
- Phosphoranides
- Chemistry of the elements, N.N.Greenwood and A.Earnshaw; Butterworth-Heinemann Press,
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- Crystal chemistry of condensed phosphates, A.Durif; Plenum Press, NewYork, 1995; [QD181.P1 D88]
- Phosphorus chemistry: developments in American Science, American Chemical Society Publications,
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- Synthesis of phosphorus-carbon bonds, R.Engel; CRC Press, 1988; [QD412.P1 E59]
- Phosphorus chemistry in everyday living, A.D.F.Toy and E.N.Walsh; American Chemical Society
Publications, Washington,DC, 1987; [QD181.P1 T69]
- Phosphorus: and outline of its chemistry, biochemistry and technology,
D.E.C.Corbridge; Elsevier Science Publishers, NewYork, 1985; [QD181.P1 C674]
- Phosphoric acid fuel cell power plant system performance model and computer program
(microform), K.A.Alkasab; NASA, 1984; NASA Contractor Report: 174638.
- Homogeneous catalysis with metal phosphine complexes, L.H.Pignolet; Plenum Press,
NewYork, 1983; [QD505 H65]
- Catalytic aspects of metal phosphine complexes, E.C.Alyea and D.W.Meek; American Chemical Society
Publications, Washington,DC; ACS Symposium Series 196, 1981;
- Phosphorus Chemistry: proceedings of the 1981 International Conference, American Chemical Society
Publications, Washington,DC; ACS Symposium Series 171, 1981; [QD181.P1 I57]
- Introduction to phosphorus chemistry, H.Goldwhite; Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, England, 1981; [QD181.P1 G67]
- The inorganic heterocyclic chemistry of sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus, H.G.Heal; Academic
Press, NewYork, 1980; [QD181.S1 H42]
- Pentacoordinated phosphorus, R.R. Holmes, American Chemical Society Publications,
Washington,DC, 1980; [QD181.P1 H6 v.1-2]
- Organophosphorus reagents in organic synthesis, J.I.G.Cadogan; Academic Press, NewYork,
[QD262 O75]
- The chemistry of phosphorus: environmental, organic, inorganic, biochemical and
spectroscopic aspects, J.Emsley and D.Hall; Harper and Row Publishers, NewYork
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- Organophosphorus stereochemistry, 1975; [QD412.P1 O66]
- Analytical chemistry of the condensed phosphates, S.Greenfield and M.Clift; Pergamon
Press, NewYork, 1975;
- The identification of functional groups in organophosphorus compounds, L.C.Thomas;
Academic Press, NewYork, 1974; [QD412.P1 T44]
- Compounds containing phosphorus-phosphorus bonds, A.H.Cowley; Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross
Publishers, Stroudsburg, PA, 1973; [QD181.P1 C68]
- Dynamic stereochemistry of penta coordinated phosphorus and related elements,
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- Transition metal complexes of phosphorus, arsenic and antimony ligands, C.A.McAuliffe;
Macmillan Press, London, 1973; [QD181.P1 M2]
- Phosphorus-Nitrogen compounds: cyclic, linear and high polymeric systems, H.R.Allcock;
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- Analytical chemistry of phosphorus compounds, M.Halmann; Wiley-Interscience,
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- Phosphoric acid, A.V.Slack; M.Dekker Publishers, NewYork, 1968; [TP217.P5 S56]
- Structure and mechanism in organophosphorus chemistry, R.F.Hudson; Academic Press,
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- Histroy of phosphorus, E.Farber; Smithsonian Institution, Washington,DC, 1965;
[Q11.U6 no.240]
- Organophosphorus monomers and polymers, Ye.L.Gefter (in Russian); T.Burdon (translation);
Pergamon Press, NewYork, 1962; [QD412.P1 G412]
- Phosphorus and its compounds, J.R.van Wazer; Interscience Publishers, NewYork, 1958;
[QD181.P1 V3 v.1]
- Phosphoric esters and related compounds, Symposium report, Chemical Society (London),
[QD305.A2 C483]
- The biology of phosphorus, Michigan State College Press, East Lansing, 1952;
[QP535.P1 W8]
- CRC handbook of phosphorus-31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance data, J.C.Tebby;
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1991; [QC462.P1 C7]
- Phosphorus-31 NMR spectral properties in compound characterisation and structural
analysis, L.D.Quin and J.G.Verkade; VCH Publishers, NewYork, 1994; [QD305.P46 P48]
- Phosphorus-31 NMR spectroscopy in stereochemical analysis, J.G.Verkade and L.D.Quin;
VCH Publishers, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1987; [QD181.P1 P478]
- Phosphorus-31 NMR: Principles and applications, D.G.Gorenstein; Academic Press,
Orlando, FL, 1984; [QH324.9.N8 P48]
- Topics in phosphorus chemistry, Volume 5, Interscience Publishers, 1964; [QD181.P1 T65]
- Phosphate in pediatric health and disease, U.Alon & J.C.M.Chan; CRC Press,
1993; [RJ399.P52 P48]
- Pathophysiology of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium; Academic Press, NewYork, 1981; [RC632.C26 P38]
- Phosphate and minerals in Health and disease; Inerantional Workshop; Plenum Press, NewYork,
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- The biochemistry of inorganic polyphosphates, I.S. Kulaev; Wiley Publishers, Chichester, 1980;
- Radioactive phosphorus in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal cancer, R.S. Nelson;
Springer, NewYork, 1967; [RC261.R35 no.10]
- Toxic phosphorus esters: chemistry, metabolism and bilogical effects, R.D. O'Brien;
Academic Press, NewYork, 1960; [QD412.P1 O2]
- Phosphorus metabolism; a symposium on the role of phosphorus in the metabolism of
plants and animals, W.D. McElroy and B. Glass; John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1951; [QD171.S87]
- Calcium and phosphorus in food and nutrition; Columbia University Press, NewYork, 1947; [QP535.C2 S45]
- A review of the literature of phosphorus compounds in animal metabolism, E.B. Forbes and
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- Organophosphorus insecticides: a general introduction; WHO, Geneva & Albany, 1986;
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- Review of the new source performance standards for phosphorus fertilizer industry;
EPA, 1980; [EP 4.19:F41]
- Organophosphorus pesticides: criteria for organophosphorus pesticides, R. Derache;
Pergamon Press, Oxford, NewYork, 1977; [RA1270.P4 D47]
- Organophosphorus pesticides: organic and biological chemistry, M. Eto; CRC Press,
Cleveland, 1974; [SB952.P5 E86]
- A review of modern literature on the chemistry and toxicology of organophosphorus
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- Organophosphorus poisons; anti-cholinesterases and realted compounds, D.F. Heath;
Pergamon Press, Oxford, NewYork, 1961; [RA1231.P5 H43]
- Toxic phosphorus esters: chemistry, metabolism and bilogical effects, R.D. O'Brien;
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- Phosphoric acid, phosphates and phosphatic fertilizers, Wm.H. Waggaman and H.W. Easterwood;
The Chemical Catalog Company, NewYork, 1927; [TP245.P5 W3]
- Phosphorus in the global environment: transfers, cycles and management,
H.Tiessen; Wiley Publishers, NewYork, 1995; [QH545.P5 P485]
- Truck transport of hazardous chemicals: phosphorus penta sulfide; USDoT,
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- Summary review of health effects associated with elemental and inorganic phosphorus
compounds; EPA, 1990; [EP1.23/9:600/8-89/072]
- Phosphorus removal from waste water, R.P.G. Bowker and H.D. Stensel; Noyes Data Corp., Park
Ridge, NJ, 1990; [TD758.5.P56 B67]
- Phosphorus trichloride and phosphorus oxychloride: health and safety guide; WHO,
Geneva, 1989; [RA1242.P56 P57]
- International conference on the management strategies for phosphorus in the environment;
Lisobn, 1985; [TD423.I56]
- Phosphate and minerals in Health and disease; Inerantional Workshop; Plenum Press, NewYork,
1980; [QP535.P1 I57]
- The impact of inorganic phosphates in the environment: final report, J. Welch;
EPA, Washington,DC, 1978; [EP1.2:In 7/2]
- Environmental phosphorus handbook, Wiley Publishers, NewYork, 1973; [QD181.P1 E68]
- Air pollution aspects of phosphorus and its compounds, Y.C. Athanassiadis; Litton Systems,
Bethesda, MD, 1969; [TD885.5.P5 A8]
- Toxic phosphorus esters: chemistry, metabolism and bilogical effects, R.D. O'Brien;
Academic Press, NewYork, 1960; [QD412.P1 O2]
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Created by Dr. A. Chandrasekaran
Department of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts, AMHERST, MA 01003, USA.
Compiled on: December, 1, 1997.
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