Sorted by Year
Publication 1 of 168
AUTHOR Putnam, James E.
TITLE Occurrence of phosphorus, other nutrients, and triazine
herbicides in water from the Hillsdale Lake Basin, Northeast
Kansas, May 1994 through May 1995 / by James E. Putnam ;
prepared in cooperation with the Hillsdale Lake Region Resource
Conservation and Development Council.
IMPRINT Lawrence, Kan. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological
Survey ; Denver, CO : Information Services [distributor], 1997.
Publication 2 of 168
AUTHOR Ramos-Gines, Orlando.
TITLE Water balance and quantification of total phosphorus and total
nitrogen loads entering and leaving the Lago de Cidra, central
Puerto Rico / by Orlando Ramos-Gines ; prepared in cooperation
with the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority ; Puerto Rico
Environmental Quality Board and the Puerto Rico Department of
Natural and Environmental Resources.
IMPRINT San Juan, P.R. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological
Survey ; Denver, CO : Branch of Information Services
[distributor], 1997.
Publication 3 of 168
AUTHOR Gain, W. Scott.
TITLE An optimized network for phosphorus load monitoring for Lake
Okeechobee, Florida / by W. Scott Gain ; prepared in
cooperation with the South Florida Water Management District.
IMPRINT Tallahassee, Fla. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological
Survey ; Denver, CO : Branch of Information Services
[distributor], 1997.
Publication 4 of 168
TITLE Truck transport of hazardous chemicals : phosphorus pentasulfide.
IMPRINT Cambridge, MA : U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Research and
Special Programs Administration, John A. Volpe National
Transportation Systems Center ; [Springfield, VA : Available to
the public through the National Technical Information Service,
Publication 5 of 168
AUTHOR Galeone, Daniel G.
TITLE Factors affecting phosphorus transport at a conventionally-farmed
site in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1992-95 / by Daniel G.
Galeone ; prepared in cooperation with the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Land and
Water Conservation.
IMPRINT Lemoyne, Pa. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
; Denver, Colo. : Branch of Information Services [distributor],
Publication 6 of 168
AUTHOR Robertson, Dale M.
TITLE Sources and transport of phosphorus in the western Lake Michigan
drainages / by Dale M. Robertson.
IMPRINT [Reston, Va.?] : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological
Survey, [1996]
Publication 7 of 168
TITLE Nutrients in ground water and surface water of the United
States : an analysis of data through 1992 / by David K. Mueller
... [et al.]
IMPRINT Denver, Colo. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological
Survey ; Earth Science Information Center, Open-File Reports
Section [distributor], 1995.
Publication 8 of 168
AUTHOR Johnson, Gregory D.
TITLE Primary and secondary hazards of zinc phosphide to nontarget
wildlife a review of the literature [microform] / by Gregory D.
Johnson and Kathleen A. Fagerstone.
IMPRINT [Washington, D.C.?] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service, [1994]
Publication 9 of 168
TITLE Trends in phosphorus, nitrogen, Secchi depth, and dissolved
oxygen in Chesapeake Bay, 1984 to 1992 [microform]
IMPRINT [Annapolis, Md.?] : Chesapeake Bay Program, [1994]
Publication 10 of 168
AUTHOR Lewelling, B. R.
TITLE Hydrology and water quality of unmined and reclaimed basins in
phosphate-mining areas, west-central Florida / by B.R.
Lewelling and R.W. Wylie ; prepared in cooperation with the
Florida Institute of Phosphate Research.
IMPRINT Tallahassee, Fla. : U.S. Geological Survey ; Denver, CO : Books
and Open-File Reports Section [distributor], 1993.
Publication 11 of 168
TITLE Marketable phosphate rock ... crop year [microform]
IMPRINT Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines,
Publication 12 of 168
AUTHOR Feigelson, Robert S.
TITLE Final technical report on growth of new materials for solid state
laser applications with a supplemental study on the growth of
ZnGeP2 by the vertical Bridgman method, September 1, 1986
through March 31, 1991 [microform] / principal investigator:
Robert S. Feigelson.
IMPRINT Stanford, Calif. : Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford
Junior University, Center for Materials Research ; [Washington,
DC : National Aeronautics and Space Administration ;
Springfield, Va. : National Technical Information Service,
distributor, 1993]
Publication 13 of 168
AUTHOR Rabalais, Nancy N., 1950-
TITLE An updated summary of status and trends in indicators of nutrient
enrichment in the Gulf of Mexico [microform] / by Nancy N.
IMPRINT Stennis Space Center, MS : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Water, Gulf of Mexico Program ; [Washington, D.C. :
Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor, 1993]
Publication 14 of 168
AUTHOR United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary.
TITLE Referring to the chief judge of the U.S. Claims Court the bill
(H.R. 477) for the relief of Global Exploration and Development
Corp., Kerr-McGee Corp., and Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp. : report
(to accompany H. Res. 29)
IMPRINT [Washington, D.C.? : U.S. G.P.O., 1992]
Publication 15 of 168
AUTHOR Arvidson, Rolf S.
TITLE An assessment of substrate phosphorite resources in Hawaiian
EEZ [microform] / Rolf S. Arvidson, John C. Wiltshire and
Hsueh-Wen Yeh.
IMPRINT [Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines,
Publication 16 of 168
TITLE Triphenyl phosphate / first draft prepared by A. Nakamura.
IMPRINT Geneva : World Health Organization, 1991.
Publication 17 of 168
TITLE Agricultural NPS control of phosphorus in the New York State,
Lake Ontario basin.
IMPRINT Chicago, Ill. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Great Lakes
National Program Office, [1991]
Publication 18 of 168
AUTHOR Montgomery, Ralph T.
TITLE Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus additions on phytoplankton
productivity and chlorophyll a in a subtropical estuary,
Charlotte Harbor, Florida / by Ralph T. Montgomery, Benjamin F.
McPherson, Edward E. Emmons ; prepared in cooperation with the
Florida Department of Environmental Regulation.
IMPRINT Tallahassee, Fla. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological
Survey ; Denver, Colo. : Books and Open-File Reports
[distributor], 1991.
Publication 19 of 168
AUTHOR Bowker, Robert P. G.
TITLE Phosphorus removal from wastewater / by Robert P. G. Bowker, H.
David Stensel.
IMPRINT Park Ridge, N.J., U.S.A. : Noyes Data Corp., c1990.
Publication 20 of 168
TITLE Summary review of health effects associated with elemental and
inorganic phosphorus compounds.
IMPRINT Research Triangle Park, NC : Environmental Criteria and
Assessment Office, Office of Health and Environmental
Assessment, Office of Research and Development, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, [1990]
Publication 21 of 168
AUTHOR Hoffman, Ray J.
TITLE Phosphorus in the Truckee River between Vista and Patrick, Storey
and Washoe Counties, Nevada, August 1984 / by Ray J. Hoffman ;
prepared in cooperation with the Nevada Department of
Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental
IMPRINT Carson City, Nev. : Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
; Denver CO : Books and Open-File Reports Section
[distributor], 1990.
Publication 22 of 168
AUTHOR Khouri, Nadim, 1956-
TITLE Phosphate sorption in soils and reference oxides under varying pH
and redox conditions / by Nadim Khouri.
Publication 23 of 168
TITLE Phosphine and selected metal phosphides health and safety guide /
IMPRINT Geneva : WHO, c1989.
Publication 24 of 168
TITLE Phosphorus trichloride and phosphorus oxychloride : health and
safety guide.
IMPRINT Geneva : World Health Organization, 1989.
Publication 25 of 168
TITLE Phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon and the related elements.
IMPRINT New York : Gordon and Breach, c1989-
Publication 26 of 168
AUTHOR WHO Task Group on Environmental Health Criteria for Phosphine and
Selected Metal Phosphides.
TITLE Phosphine and selected metal phosphides.
IMPRINT Geneva : World Health Organization ; Albany, NY : WHO
Publications Centre USA [distributor], 1988.
Publication 27 of 168
AUTHOR Neill, Christopher.
TITLE Effects of nutrients and water regime on a northern prairie marsh
/ by Christopher Neill.
Publication 28 of 168
AUTHOR Loose-Brown, Anita L., 1952-
TITLE The phosphorus budget of Williston Pond / by Anita L. Loose-
Publication 29 of 168
AUTHOR Rosenzweig, William D. (William David), 1946-
TITLE Influence of phosphate corrosion control compounds on bacterial
growth [microform] : project summary / William D. Rosenzweig.
IMPRINT Cincinnati, OH : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Water
Engineering Research Laboratory, [1987]
Publication 30 of 168
AUTHOR Richardson, Clayton McGlenn, 1956-
TITLE Methods of biological phosphorus removal : the potential for
application in Massachusetts / by Clayton McGlenn Richardson.
Publication 31 of 168
TITLE Biological phosphate removal from wastewaters : proceedings of an
IAWPRC specialized conference held in Rome, Italy, 28-30
September, 1987 / editor, R. Ramadori.
IMPRINT Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1987.
Publication 32 of 168
AUTHOR Richardson, Clayton McGlenn, 1956-
TITLE Methods of biological phosphorus removal : the potential for
application in Massachusetts / by Clayton McGlenn Richardson.
Publication 33 of 168
AUTHOR Tarapchak, Stephen J.
TITLE A review : phosphrous-plankton [sic] dynamics and phosphrous-
cycling [sic] in aquatic systems / Stephen J. Tarapchak, Czesia
IMPRINT Ann Arbor, Mich. : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Research
Laboratories, 1987.
Publication 34 of 168
AUTHOR Hunn, James D., 1932-
TITLE Effects on ground-water quality of seepage from a phosphatic
clayey waste settling pond, north-central Florida / by James D.
Hunn and Paul R. Seaber ; prepared in cooperation with the
Florida Department of Environmental Regulation on behalf of the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
IMPRINT Tallahassee, Fla. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey
; Denver, Colo. : Books and Open-File Reports Section
[distributor], 1986.
Publication 35 of 168
AUTHOR Komisar, Simeon J., 1952-
TITLE Biological phosphorus removal using a fixed film batch reactor /
by Simeon Joel Komisar.
Publication 36 of 168
TITLE Project Quinte : point-source phosphorus control and ecosystem
response in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario / edited by C.K.
Minns, D.A. Hurley and K.H. Nicholls.
IMPRINT Ottawa : Fisheries and Oceans, Scientific Information and
Publications Branch, 1986.
Publication 37 of 168
TITLE A detailed phosphorus characterization of seventy-eight soils /
[Sharpley, A.N. ... [et al.]]
IMPRINT [Washington, D.C.?] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural
Research Service ; Springfield, VA : National Technical
Information Service [distributor], 1985.
Publication 38 of 168
AUTHOR Martin, Scott C.
TITLE Biological availability of sediment phosphorus inputs to the
lower Great Lakes / Scott C. Martin, Joseph V. DePinto, and
Thomas C. Young.
IMPRINT Duluth, MN : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental
Research Laboratory, 1985.
Publication 39 of 168
AUTHOR International Conference on Management Strategies for Phosphorus
in the Environment (1985 : Lisbon)
TITLE Proceedings of the International Conference Management Strategies
for Phosphorus in the Environment : Lisbon 1-4 July 1985,
chaired by Professor R. Perry and Dr. N. Schmidtke / edited by
J.N. Lester and P.W.W. Kirk ; co-sponsors Associacao Portuguesa
Dos Recursos Hidricos - A.P.R.H. ... [et al.]
IMPRINT London : Selper Ltd., c1985.
Publication 40 of 168
TITLE Emerging technology assessment of PhoStrip, A/O, and Bardenpho
processes for biological phosphorus removal.
IMPRINT Cincinnati, OH : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Water
Engineering Research Laboratory, 1985.
Publication 41 of 168
AUTHOR International Conference on Management Strategies for Phosphorus
in the Environment (1985 : Lisbon)
TITLE Proceedings of the International Conference Management Strategies
for Phosphorus in the Environment : Lisbon 1-4 July 1985,
chaired by Professor R. Perry and Dr. N. Schmidtke / edited by
J.N. Lester and P.W.W. Kirk ; co-sponsors Associacao Portuguesa
Dos Recursos Hidricos - A.P.R.H. ... [et al.]
IMPRINT London : Selper Ltd., c1985.
Publication 42 of 168
AUTHOR Salisbury, Douglas K.
TITLE Impact of algal-available phosphorus on Lake Erie water quality :
mathematical modeling / Douglas K. Salisbury, Joseph V. De
Pinto, and Thomas C. Young.
IMPRINT Duluth, MN : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental
Research Laboratory ; Cincinnati, OH : U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Center for Environmental Research
Information [distributor], 1984.
Publication 43 of 168
AUTHOR Nichols, William J.
TITLE Phosphorus loading to McGrath and Ellis ponds, Kennebec County,
Maine / by William J. Nichols, Jr., John W. Sowles and Jeffrey
J. Lobao ; prepared in cooperation with the Maine Department of
Environmental Protection.
IMPRINT Augusta, Me. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey ;
[Denver, Colo. : Open-File Services Section, Western
Distribution Branch, U.S. Geological Survey], 1984.
Publication 44 of 168
TITLE Regulatory impact analysis of emission standards for elemental
phosphorus plants / prepared by Jack Faucett Associates.
IMPRINT Washington, D.C. : Office of Radiation Programs, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, [1984]
Publication 45 of 168
AUTHOR Gilbert, G. Nigel.
TITLE Opening Pandora's box : a sociological analysis of scientists'
discourse / G. Nigel Gilbert and Michael Mulkay.
IMPRINT Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University
Press, 1984.
Publication 46 of 168
AUTHOR Sager, Shawn Leslie, 1956-
TITLE Iron phosphate - fulvic acid interactions in aquatic systems.
Publication 47 of 168
TITLE Draft environmental impact statement on the Chevron phosphate
project / prepared by Bureau of Land Management and Office of
Industrial Siting Administration.
IMPRINT Cheyenne, Wyo. : The Bureau, 1983.
Publication 48 of 168
TITLE Final environmental impact statement on the Chevron phosphate
project / prepared by Bureau of Land Management and Office of
Industrial Siting Administration.
IMPRINT Cheyenne, Wyo. : The Bureau, 1983.
Publication 49 of 168
AUTHOR Lloyd, Larry.
TITLE Evaluation of radon sources and phosphate slag in Butte,
Montana / Larry L. Lloyd.
IMPRINT Washington, D.C. : Office of Radiation Programs, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, [1983]
Publication 50 of 168
TITLE In-transit fumigation of truck-ship containers with hydrogen
phosphide : a feasibility study.
IMPRINT New Orleans, La. : Agricultural Research Service, Southern
Region, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture ; Savannah, Ga. : Stored-
Product Insects Research and Development Laboratory
[distributor], 1983.
Publication 51 of 168
AUTHOR Lam, D. C. L.
TITLE Simulation of Lake Erie water quality responses to loading and
weather variations / D.C.L. Lam, W.M. Schertzer and A.S.
IMPRINT Burlington, Ont. : Inland Waters Directorate, National Water
Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, 1983.
Publication 52 of 168
AUTHOR Miller, Ronald L. (Ronald Lewis)
TITLE Water-quality and hydrogeologic data for three phosphate industry
waste-disposal sites in central Florida, 1979-80 / by Ronald L.
Miller and Horace Sutcliffe, Jr. ; prepared in cooperation with
the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation on behalf of
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
IMPRINT Tallahassee, Fla. : U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources
Division, 1982.
Publication 53 of 168
AUTHOR United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural
Resources. Subcommittee on Public Lands and Reserved Water.
TITLE Prohibiting phosphate leasing in the Osceola National Forest,
Florida : additions to the national wilderness preservation
system, Florida : hearing before the Subcommittee on Public
Lands and Reserved Water of the Committee on Energy and Natural
Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress,
second session, on S. 1138 ... S. 1633 ... S. 1873 ... H.R.
9 ... April 1, 1982.
IMPRINT Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1982.
Publication 54 of 168
AUTHOR United States. General Accounting Office.
TITLE A more comprehensive approach is needed to clean up the Great
Lakes : summary : report to the Congress / by the Comptroller
General of the United States.
IMPRINT Washington, D.C. : U.S. General Accounting Office, [1982]
Publication 55 of 168
TITLE Retention and transformations of selected pesticides and
phosphorus in soil-water systems : a critical review / P. S. C.
Rao, J. M. Davidson, editors.
IMPRINT Athens, GA : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental
Research Laboratory ; Cincinnati, OH : Center for Environmental
Research Information [distributor], 1982.
Publication 56 of 168
TITLE Environmental impact guidelines for new source non-fertilizer
phosphate manufacturing facilities.
IMPRINT Washington, D.C. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office
of Federal Activities ; Springfield, Va. : National Technical
Information Service [distributor], 1981.
Publication 57 of 168
TITLE Environmental impact guidelines for new source phosphate
fertilizer manufacturing facilities.
IMPRINT Washington, D.C. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office
of Federal Activities ; Springfield, Va. : National Technical
Information Service [distributor], 1981.
Publication 58 of 168
AUTHOR Gilbert, Terry.
TITLE An assessment of wetland habitat establishment at a central
Florida phosphate mine site / by Terry Gilbert, Tim King, Brian
Barnett ; performed for Coal Minerals Project Biological
Services Team, Region IV Habitat Preservation, Fish and
Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
IMPRINT [Washington, D.C.?] : The Service, [1981]
Publication 59 of 168
TITLE Draft environmental impact statement : Smoky Canyon phosphate
mine, Caribou County, Idaho, J.R. Simplot Company.
IMPRINT [Pocatello, Idaho] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Region Four : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey,
Conservation Division, Western Region, 1981.
Publication 60 of 168
TITLE Detergents and your lake / [prepared by the Lake Cochituate
Watershed Association]
IMPRINT Westborough, Mass. : Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution
Control, [1981]
Publication 61 of 168
AUTHOR Cooke, G. Dennis (George Dennis), 1937-
TITLE Precipitation and inactivation of phosphorus as a lake
restoration technique / G. Dennis Cooke and Robert H. Kennedy.
IMPRINT Corvallis, Or. : Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory,
Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, 1981.
Publication 62 of 168
TITLE Aluminum phosphide : pesticide registration standard.
IMPRINT Washington, DC : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Pesticides and Toxic Substances [1981]
Publication 63 of 168
TITLE Final environmental impact statement : Bemidji wastewater
treatment system, Beltrami County, Minnesota / prepared by the
United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region V, and
the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and Wapora,
IMPRINT Chicago, Ill. (230 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. 60604) : U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Water Division, Region V,
Publication 64 of 168
TITLE Phosphorus in sewage sludge and animal waste slurries :
proceedings of the EEC seminar / organized jointly by the CEC
and the Institute for Soil Fertility, Haren (Gr.), and held in
Groningen, Netherlands, on June 12 and 13, 1980 ; sponsored by
the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General
for Agriculture, and Directorate-General for Research, Science
and Education ; edited by T.W.G. Hucker and G. Catroux.
IMPRINT Dordrecht, Holland ; Boston : D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; Hingham, MA :
Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston,
Publication 65 of 168
AUTHOR Welch, E. B. (Eugene B.)
TITLE The dilution/flushing technique in lake restoration / by E.B.
Welch ; [prepared for Office of Water Regulations and
Standards, Criteria and Standards Division ; prepared by
Environmental Research Laboratory]
IMPRINT Corvallis, Or. : Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory,
Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, 1981.
Publication 66 of 168
AUTHOR Stauffer, R. E.
TITLE Sampling strategies for estimating the magnitude and importance
of internal phosphorus supplies in lakes / by Robert E.
Stauffer ; [prepared for Office of Water Regulations and
Standards, Criteria and Standards Division ; prepared by
Environmental Research Laboratory]
IMPRINT Corvallis, Or. : Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory,
Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency ; Cinncinati, OH : Center for Environmental
Research Information [distributor], 1981.
Publication 67 of 168
AUTHOR Ryan, M. T.
TITLE An integrated assessment of the phosphate industry / M. T. Ryan,
S. J. Cotter, Health and Safety Research Division.
IMPRINT Oak Ridge, Tenn. : Dept. of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
; [Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National Technical
Information Service], 1980.
Publication 68 of 168
AUTHOR National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Division
of Technical Services.
TITLE Self-evaluation instrument -- phosphate fertilizer industry /
Frank W. Godbey ... [et al.]
IMPRINT Cincinnati, Ohio : Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public
Health Service, Center for Disease Control, National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Technical
Services ; Washington : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.
Govt. Print. Off., 1980.
Publication 69 of 168
TITLE Source category survey, animal feed defluorination industry /
Emission Standards and Engineering Division.
IMPRINT Research Triangle Park, N.C. : U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Office of Air, Noise, and Radiation, Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards ; Springfield, VA : National
Technical Information Service [distributor, 1980]
Publication 70 of 168
AUTHOR Ochsner, J. C.
TITLE Status assessment of toxic chemicals : phosphates / by J. C.
Ochsner, T. R. Blackwood, Monsanto Research Corporation.
IMPRINT Cincinnati, Ohio : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Industrial Environmental Research
Laboratory ; [Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service], 1979 i.e. 1980.
Publication 71 of 168
AUTHOR United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science,
and Transportation.
TITLE Embargo of phosphate exports to the Soviet Union : hearing before
the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United
States Senate, Ninety-sixth Congress, second session ...
February 19, 1980.
IMPRINT Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1980.
Publication 72 of 168
AUTHOR Scott, Donald S., 1922-
TITLE Removal and recovery of metals and phosphates from municipal
sewage sludge / by Donald S. Scott.
IMPRINT Cincinnati, Ohio : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Municipal Environmental Research
Laboratory ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1980.
Publication 73 of 168
TITLE Review of new source performance standards for phosphate
fertilizer industry, revised / Emission Standards and
Engineering Division.
IMPRINT Research Triangle Park, N.C. : U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Office of Air, Noise, and Radiation, Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards ; Springfield, Va. : National
Technical Information Service [distributor, 1980]
Publication 74 of 168
AUTHOR Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory.
TITLE Phosphorus removal in lower Great Lakes municipal treatment
plants / by Joseph V. DePinto ... [et al.]
IMPRINT Cincinnati, Ohio : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Municipal Environmental Research
Laboratory ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1980.
Publication 75 of 168
AUTHOR Eisenreich, S. J.
TITLE Determination of atmospheric phosphorus addition to Lake Michigan
/ by S.J. Eisenreich, P.J. Emmling, A.M. Beeton.
IMPRINT Duluth, Minn. Environmental Research Laboratory--Duluth, Office
of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency ; Springfield, Va. : Available to the public through the
National Technical Information Service, 1980.
Publication 76 of 168
TITLE National summary of state water quality standards : phosphorus /
prepared for United States Environmental Protection Agency,
Criteria and Standards Division ; prepared by Nalesnik
Associates Incorporated.
IMPRINT Washington, D.C. : The Division, 1980.
Publication 77 of 168
AUTHOR Tornes, L. H. (Lan H.)
TITLE Preimpoundment water quality of the Wild Rice River, Norman
County, Minnesota / by L.H. Tornes ; prepared in cooperation
with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
IMPRINT St. Paul, Minn. (702 Post Office Building, St. Paul, Minn. 55101)
: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, 1980.
Publication 78 of 168
TITLE Phosphorus management strategies for lakes : proceedings of the
1979 conference sponsored by the New York State College of
Agriculture and Life Sciences, a Statutory College of the State
University at Cornell University, [and] the International Joint
Commission (U.S. and Canada) / edited by Raymond C. Loehr,
Colleen S. Martin, Walter Rast.
IMPRINT Ann Arbor, Mich. : Ann Arbor Science, c1980.
Publication 79 of 168
AUTHOR Boscak, Vladimir.
TITLE Evaluation of control technology for the phosphate fertilizer
industry / by Vladimir G. Boscak ; prepared for U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and
IMPRINT Research Triangle Park, NC : U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory ;
Springfield, Va : National Technical Information Service
[distributor, 1979]
Publication 80 of 168
AUTHOR United States. Bureau of Land Management. Eastern States Office.
TITLE Draft supplement to the final environmental statement (Int. FES
74-37) : proposed phosphate leasing on the Osceola National
Forest in Florida / prepared by Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Land Management, Eastern States Office.
IMPRINT Silver Spring, Md. : The Office, 1979.
Publication 81 of 168
AUTHOR Di Gregorio, David.
TITLE Chemical primary sludge thickening and dewatering / by David Di
Gregorio, J. Brian Ainsworth, Keith J. Mounteer.
IMPRINT Cincinnati : Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory, Office
of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency ; Springfield, Va. : Available to the public through the
National Technical Information Service, 1979.
Publication 82 of 168
AUTHOR United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of
Radiation Programs. Criteria and Standards Division.
TITLE Indoor radiation exposure due to radium-226 in Florida phosphate
lands / Richard J. Guimond ... [et al.]
IMPRINT Washington : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Radiation
Programs, Criteria and Standards Division, 1979.
Publication 83 of 168
AUTHOR Drnevich, R. F.
TITLE Biological-chemical process for removing phosphorus at Reno/
Sparks, NV / by Union Carbide Corporation, Linde Division.
IMPRINT Cincinnati, Ohio : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Municipal Environmental Research
Laboratory ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1979.
Publication 84 of 168
TITLE Impacts of sediment and nutrients on biota in surface waters of
the United States / by Edward G. Farnworth ... [et al.]
IMPRINT Athens : Environmental Research Laboratoroy, Office of Research
and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ;
Springfield, Va. : Available to the public through the National
Technical Information Service, 1979.
Publication 85 of 168
AUTHOR Reckhow, Kenneth H.
TITLE Quantitative techniques for the assessment of lake quality / by
Kenneth H. Reckhow, Dept. of Resource Development, Michigan
State University.
IMPRINT Washington : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Planning and Standards, 1979.
Publication 86 of 168
TITLE Central Florida phosphate industry areawide impact assessment
program / prepared for the United States Environmental
Protection Agency ; prepared by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
IMPRINT Atlanta, Ga. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV,
Publication 87 of 168
AUTHOR United States. Bureau of Land Management. Eastern States Office.
TITLE Phosphate leasing on the Osceola National Forest in Florida.
IMPRINT [Washington] : Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management,
Eastern States Office, 1978.
Publication 88 of 168
TITLE Advances in water and wastewater treatment : biological nutrient
removal : from papers presented in part at a conference on
biological nutrient removal alternatives held in Orlando,
Florida at Florida Technological University in March, 1978 /
edited by Martin P. Wanielista, W. Wesley Eckenfelder, Jr.
IMPRINT Ann Arbor, Mich. : Ann Arbor Science Publishers, c1978.
Publication 89 of 168
AUTHOR Reininga, D. G.
TITLE Evaporative process for treatment of phosphate containing
effluent / by D. G. Reininga.
IMPRINT Cincinnati, Ohio : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Industrial Environmental Research
Laboratory ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1978.
Publication 90 of 168
AUTHOR Hinkebein, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward)
TITLE Cost benefit analysis of selected wastewater beneficiation
schemes / Thomas E. Hinkebein and Nancy J. Norem, Sandia
Labortories ; prepared by Sandia Laboratories for the United
States Energy Research and Development Administration.
IMPRINT Albuquerque, N.M. : Dept. of Energy, Sandia Laboratories ;
[Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National Technical
Information Service], 1978.
Publication 91 of 168
AUTHOR Linero, A. A.
TITLE Evaluation of emissions and control techniques for reducing
fluoride emissions from gypsum ponds in the phosphoric acid
industry / by A. A. Linero and R. A. Baker, Environmental
Science and Engineering, Inc.
IMPRINT Washington : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research
and Development ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1978.
Publication 92 of 168
TITLE High rate nutrient removal for combined sewer overflows : bench
scale and demonstration scale studies / by C. B. Murphy,
jr. ... [et al.]
IMPRINT Cincinnati, Ohio : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Municipal Environmental Research
Laboratory ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1978.
Publication 93 of 168
AUTHOR Welch, Justine.
TITLE The impact of inorganic phosphates in the environment : final
report / prepared by Justine Welch, Office of Toxic Substances,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
IMPRINT Washington : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Toxic
Substances, 1978.
Publication 94 of 168
AUTHOR Rast, Walter.
TITLE Summary analysis of the North American (US portion) OECD
eutrophication project : nutrient loading - lake response
relationships and trophic state indices / by Walter Rast and G.
Fred Lee.
IMPRINT Corvallis, Or. : Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory,
Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection
Agency ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National Technical
Information Service, 1978.
Publication 95 of 168
AUTHOR United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Emission
Standards and Engineering Division.
TITLE Final guideline document : control of fluoride emissions from
existing phosphate fertilizer plants.
IMPRINT Research Triangle Park, N.C. : Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Air and Waste Management, Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards, Emission Standards and Engineering
Division ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1977.
Publication 96 of 168
TITLE Fish and wildlife inventory of the seven-county region included
in the central Florida phosphate industry areawide
environmental impact study / by James N. Layne ... [et al.] ;
prepared by Achbold Biological Station ; submitted to Fish and
Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
IMPRINT [Washington,, D.C. : Fish and Wildlife Service?, 1977-
Publication 97 of 168
AUTHOR Martel, C. James.
TITLE Phosphorus removal in extended aeration systems by chemical
precipitation / by C. James Martel, Francis A. DiGiano [and]
Robert E. Pariseau.
IMPRINT Amherst, Mass. : Environmental Engineering Program, Dept. of
Civil Engineering, University of Massachusetts, 1977.
Publication 98 of 168
AUTHOR United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of
Radiation Programs.
TITLE Radiological surveys of Idaho phosphate ore processing : the
thermal process plant.
IMPRINT Las Vegas, Nev. : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Radiation Programs, 1977.
Publication 99 of 168
AUTHOR Morse, John W.
TITLE Determination of phosphate fluxes across the sediment-water
surface of the New York Bight / by John W. Morse, John de
IMPRINT Boulder, Colo. : Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Research
Laboratories, Marine Ecosystems Analysis Program, 1977.
Publication 100 of 168
AUTHOR Donigian, Anthony S.
TITLE Simulation of nutrient loadings in surface runoff with the NPS
model / by Anthony S. Donigian, Jr., Norman H. Crawford.
IMPRINT Athens, Ga. : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research
and Development, Environmental Research Laboratory ;
Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National Technical
Information Service, 1977.
Publication 101 of 168
AUTHOR Boscak, Vladimir.
TITLE Inspection manual for enforcement of new source performance
standards : phosphate fertilizer plants / /Vladimir Boscak,
Nicola Formica, Samuel Cha.
IMPRINT Washington : Environmental Protection Agency, Division of
Stationary Source Enforcement ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by
the National Technical Information Service, 1977.
Publication 102 of 168
AUTHOR Delumyea, Richard G.
TITLE Atmospheric inputs of phosphorus to southern Lake Huron, April-
October 1975 / by Richard G. Delumyea and Resy L. Petel.
IMPRINT Duluth, Minn. : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Environmental Research Laboratory ;
Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National Technical
Information Service, 1977.
Publication 103 of 168
AUTHOR Lindsley, Diane Shaw.
TITLE Emergent macrophytes in a Wisconsin marsh : productivity, soil-
plant nutrient regimes, and uptake experiments with phosphorus-
32. [Microform] / By Diane Shaw Lindsley.
Publication 104 of 168
AUTHOR Subbarao, Y. V.
TITLE Determination of kinetics of phosphorus mineralization in soils
under oxidizing conditions / by Y. V. Subbarao, Roscoe Ellis,
IMPRINT Ada, Okla. : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research
and Development, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research
Laboratory ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1977.
Publication 105 of 168
AUTHOR Jones, Rebecca A.
TITLE Septic tank disposal systems as phosphorus sources for surface
waters / by Rebecca A. Jones and G. Fred Lee ; Institute for
Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas.
IMPRINT Ada, Okla. : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research
and Development, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research
Laboratory ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1977.
Publication 106 of 168
AUTHOR Omernik, James M.
TITLE Nonpoint source -- stream nutrient level relationships : a
nationwide study / by James M. Omernik.
IMPRINT Corvallis, Or. : Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory,
Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency ; Springfield, Va. : Available to the public
through the National Technical Information Division, 1977-
Publication 107 of 168
AUTHOR Henson, E. B.
TITLE The trophic status and phosphorus loadings of Lake Champlain / by
E. B. Henson and Gerhard K. Gruendling.
IMPRINT Corvallis, Or. : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Corvallis Environmental Research
Laboratory ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1977.
Publication 108 of 168
AUTHOR United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Effluent
Guidelines Division.
TITLE Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new
source performance standards for the other non-fertilizer
phosphate chemicals segment of the phosphate manufacturing
point source category.
IMPRINT Washington : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Water and Hazardous Materials, Effluent Guidelines Division :
for sale by the Supt. of Dos., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976.
Publication 109 of 168
AUTHOR Jensen, Thomas E.
TITLE Aspects of phosphate utilization by blue-green algae / by Thomas
E. Jensen and Linda Sicko-Goad.
IMPRINT Corvallis, Or. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Corvallis Environmental Research
Laboratory, ; Springfield Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1976.
Publication 110 of 168
AUTHOR Butt, Salman Mahmud, 1948-
TITLE Effect of phosphates on clams in canned white clam sauce and red
clam sauce.
Publication 111 of 168
AUTHOR Parker, Richard A.
TITLE Phosphate reduction and response of plankton populations in
Kootenay Lake / by Richard A. Parker.
IMPRINT Corvallis, Or. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Corvallis Environmental Research
Laboratory ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1976.
Publication 112 of 168
AUTHOR United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Toxic
TITLE The manufacture and use of selected aryl and alkyl aryl phosphate
IMPRINT Washington : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Toxic
Substances, 1976.
Publication 113 of 168
AUTHOR Reuss, John.
TITLE Plant uptake of cadmium from phosphate fertilizer / by John
Reuss, H. L. Dooley, and William Griffis.
IMPRINT Corvallis, Or. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Corvallis Environmental Research
Laboratory, Ecological Effects Research Division ; Springfield,
Va. : for sale by the National Technical Information Service,
Publication 114 of 168
TITLE Algal nutrient availability and limitation in Lake Ontario during
IMPRINT Duluth, Minn. : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Environmental Research Laboratory ;
Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National Technical
Information Service, 1976-
Publication 115 of 168
TITLE Biological, chemical and physical relationships in the Straits of
Mackinac / by Claire L. Schelske ... [et al.]
IMPRINT Duluth, Minn. : Environmental Research Agency, Office of Research
and Development, Environmental Research Laboratory ;
Springfield, Va. : for sale by National Technical Information
Service, 1976.
Publication 116 of 168
AUTHOR Weiss, Charles Manuel, 1918-
TITLE Evaluation of the algal assay procedure / by Charles M. Weiss.
IMPRINT Corvallis, Or. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Corvallis Environmental Research
Laboratory ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1976.
Publication 117 of 168
AUTHOR Thomas, R. E.
TITLE Overland flow treatment of raw wastewater with enhanced
phosphorus removal / by R. E. Thomas, B. Bledsoe, and K.
IMPRINT Ada, Okla. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research
Laboratory, Wastewater Management Branch ; Springfield, Va. :
for sale by the National Technical Information Service, 1976.
Publication 118 of 168
AUTHOR Spawn, Peter D., 1952-
TITLE Phosphorus removal in extended aeration by the addition of sodium
Publication 119 of 168
AUTHOR Shimek, Roming, Jacobs, and Finklea (Firm)
TITLE Process design manual for phosphorus removal / [prepared by the
firm of Shimek, Roming, Jacobs, and Finklea]
IMPRINT [Washington] : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Technology
Transfer, 1976.
Publication 120 of 168
TITLE Studies on lake restoration by phosphorus inactivation / by
William D. Sanville ... [et al.]
IMPRINT Corvallis, Oreg. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office
of Research and Development, Corvallis Environmental Research
Laboratory ; Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National
Technical Information Service, 1976.
Publication 121 of 168
AUTHOR Sheehy, John W.
TITLE Tertiary treatment for phosphorus removal at Ely, Minnesota AWT
Plant, April, 1973 thru March, 1974 / by John W. Sheehy,
Francis L. Evans.
IMPRINT Cincinnati, Ohio : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office
of Research and Development, Wastewater Research Division ;
Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National Technical
Information Service, 1976.
Publication 122 of 168
AUTHOR Snow, Phillip Dryden, 1943-
TITLE Mathematical modeling of phosphorus exchange between sediments
and overlying water in shallow eutrophic lakes / by Phillip D.
Snow, Francis A. Digiano.
IMPRINT Amherst, Mass. : Environmental Engineering Program, Dept. of
Civil Engineering, University of Massachusetts, 1976.
Publication 123 of 168
AUTHOR Racker, Efraim, 1913-
TITLE A new look at mechanisms in bioenergetics / Efraim Racker.
IMPRINT New York : Academic Press, 1976.
Publication 124 of 168
AUTHOR Martel, C. James.
TITLE Pilot plant studies of wastewater chemical clarification using
lime / C. James Martel, Francis A. DiGiano, Robert E. Pariseau.
IMPRINT Amherst, Mass. : Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil
Engineering, U. of Mass., 1975.
Publication 125 of 168
AUTHOR Sagher, Aga.
TITLE Biological availability of sediment phosphorus to
microorganisms / Aga Sagher, Robin F. Harris, David E.
IMPRINT Madison, Wis. : Water Resources Center, University of Wisconsin,
Publication 126 of 168
AUTHOR Vickers, John Charles, 1951-
TITLE The effects of lime, phosphorus and aluminum on the growth and
chemical composition of three legumes.
Publication 127 of 168
AUTHOR Ku, Wen-Chi, 1942-
TITLE Equilibrium adsorption of inorganic phosphate by lake sediments /
by Wen-Chi Ku [and] Tsuan Hua Feng.
IMPRINT Amherst, Mass. : Environmental Engineering Program, Dept. of
Civil Engineering, U. of Mass., 1975.
Publication 128 of 168
AUTHOR Bowen, Stuart Preston, 1942-
TITLE Evaluation of process design parameters for phosphorus removal
from domestic wastewaters by chemical clarification / Stuart P.
Bowen, Francis A. DiGiano.
IMPRINT Amherst, Massachusetts : Environmental Engineering Program,
University of Massachusetts, 1975.
Publication 129 of 168
AUTHOR Murphy, T. J.
TITLE Inputs of phosphorus from precipitation to Lake Michigan / by T.
J. Murphy, P. V. Doskey.
IMPRINT Duluth, Minn : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, Environmental Research Laboratory ;
Springfield, Va. : for sale by the National Technical
Information Service, 1975.
Publication 130 of 168
AUTHOR Bowen, Stuart Preston, 1942-
TITLE Evaluation of process design parameters for phosphorus removal
from domestic wastewaters by chemical clarification / by Stuart
Preston Bowen.
Publication 131 of 168
AUTHOR Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Environment Directorate.
TITLE Waste water treatment processes for phosphorus and nitrogen
removal / Environment Directorate.
IMPRINT Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
Publication 132 of 168
AUTHOR Fahey, Richard J.
TITLE Addition of polymers and lime for phosphorous removal in raw
domestic wastewater / by Richard J. Fahey, Francis A. DiGiano
[and] Gerald W. Foess.
IMPRINT Amherst, Mass. : Environmental Engineering Program, Dept. of
Civil Engineering, U. of Mass., 1974.
Publication 133 of 168
AUTHOR Bowen, Stuart Preston, 1942-
TITLE Evaluation of process design parameters for phosphorus removal
from domestic wastewaters by chemical clarification / by Stuart
Preston Bowen.
Publication 134 of 168
TITLE Phosphate removal in an activated sludge facility / by Richard E.
Finger ... [et al.]
IMPRINT Cincinnati, Ohio : Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Research and Development, National Environmental Research
Center, 1974.
Publication 135 of 168
TITLE Lime treatment of domestic wastewater in an upflow clarifier / by
Gerald W. Foess ... [et al.]
IMPRINT Amherst, Mass. : Environmental Engineering Program, Dept. of
Civil Engineering, U. of Mass., 1973.
Publication 136 of 168
AUTHOR Huber, Calvin O.
TITLE Application of a new method for phosphate concentration
measurements in natural and waste waters [by] Calvin O. Huber,
Dale Karweik [and] Robert E. Reim.
IMPRINT Madison, University of Wisconsin Water Resources Center, 1973.
Publication 137 of 168
AUTHOR Horzempa, Lewis Michael, 1949-
TITLE The utility of soil-phosphorus equilibrium studies as an
indicator of phosphate concentration in surface and ground
Publication 138 of 168
AUTHOR Lin, Kwei Chang.
TITLE Adaptation to eutrophic conditions by Lake Michigan algae / by
Kwei C. Lin, John L. Blum.
IMPRINT Madison : University of Wisconsin, Water Resources Center, 1973.
Publication 139 of 168
AUTHOR Chapin, John D.
TITLE Atmospheric contributions of nitrogen and phosphorus / by John D.
Chapin, Paul D. Uttormark.
IMPRINT Madison, Wis. : University of Wisconsin, Water Resources Center,
Hydraulic & Sanitary Laboratory, 1973.
Publication 140 of 168
AUTHOR Isirimah, N. O.
TITLE Contribution of developed and natural marshland soils to surface
and subsurface water quality : technical completion report / N.
O. Isirimah, D. R. Keeney.
IMPRINT Madison : Water Resources Center, University of Wisconsin, 1973.
Publication 141 of 168
AUTHOR Schmid, Lawrence.
TITLE Pilot plant demonstration of a lime-biological treatment
phosphorus removal method, by Lawrence Schmid. Prepared for
Office of Research and Monitoring, U.S.Environmental Protection
IMPRINT Washington, For sale by the Supt. of Docs.,U.S.Govt.Print.Off.,
Publication 142 of 168
AUTHOR Horzempa, Lewis Michael, 1949-
TITLE The utility of soil-phosphorus equilibrium studies as an
indicator of phosphate concentration in surface and ground
Publication 143 of 168
TITLE Environmental phosphorus handbook. Edited by Edward J. Griffith
[and others]
IMPRINT New York, Wiley [1973]
Publication 144 of 168
TITLE Phosphorus in fresh water and the marine environment. Edited by
S. H. Jenkins and K. J. Ives.
IMPRINT Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press [1973]
Publication 145 of 168
AUTHOR Svanks, Karlis, 1906-
TITLE Precipitation of phosphates from water with ferrous salts.
IMPRINT Columbus, Ohio, Water Resources Center, Ohio State University,
Publication 146 of 168
AUTHOR Armstrong, D. E.
TITLE Plant available phosphorus status of lakes / by D. E. Armstrong,
R. F. Harris, J. K. Syers.
IMPRINT Madison : University of Wisconsin, Water Resources Center,
Hydraulic & Sanitary Laboratory, 1971.
Publication 147 of 168
AUTHOR Vollenweider, Richard Albert, 1922-
TITLE Scientific fundamentals of the eutrophication of lakes and
flowing waters, with particular reference to nitrogen and
phosphorus as factors in eutrophication [by Richard A.
IMPRINT Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
Publication 148 of 168
AUTHOR Hsu, Pa Ho, 1922-
TITLE Removal of phosphate from waste water by aluminum and iron, phase
II / Pa Ho Hsu.
IMPRINT New Brunswick : New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute,
Rutgers University--The State University of New Jersey, 1970.
Publication 149 of 168
AUTHOR Allen, Jon E., 1945-
TITLE The effect of redox potential on the equilibrium distribution of
phosphorus in mud-water systems.
Publication 150 of 168
AUTHOR Tietze, Erich O., 1945-
TITLE Studies of phosphorus coagulation and precipitation using iron
salts for application in wastewater treatment.
Publication 151 of 168
AUTHOR Little, Linda W., comp.
TITLE Phosphorus in water and wastewater; an annotated selected
IMPRINT [Chapel Hill, N. C., University of North Carolina, Wastewater
Research Center] 1970.
Publication 152 of 168
AUTHOR Athanassiadis, Yanis C.
TITLE Air pollution aspects of phosphorus and its compounds / compiled
by Yanis C. Athanassiadis.
IMPRINT Bethesda, Md. : Litton Systems [Distributed by Clearinghouse],
Publication 153 of 168
AUTHOR Loshadkin, N. A.
TITLE A review of modern literature on the chemistry and toxicology of
organophosphorus inhibitors of cholinesterases, by N.A.
Loshadkin and V.V. Smirnov. Edited by I.L. Knunyants and S.M.
Markov. Translate.
IMPRINT Glen Ridge, N.J., Associated Technical Services, 1962.
Publication 154 of 168
AUTHOR Heath, D. F.
TITLE Organophosphorus poisons; anti-cholinesterases and related
IMPRINT Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press, 1961.
Publication 155 of 168
AUTHOR O'Brien, R. D. (Richard D.)
TITLE Toxic phosphorus esters: chemistry, metabolism, and biological
IMPRINT New York, Academic Press, 1960.
Publication 156 of 168
AUTHOR Pelissier, Jean Armand, 1925-
TITLE A study of the formation and solubility of soil phosphorus.
Publication 157 of 168
AUTHOR Bonting, Sjoerd Lieuwe.
TITLE The effect of a prolonged intake of phosphoric acid and citric
acid in rats.
IMPRINT Haarlem, J. Enschede [1952]
Publication 158 of 168
AUTHOR Wolterink, Lester F., 1915- ed.
TITLE The biology of phosphorus, by G. Evelyn Hutchinson [and others.
IMPRINT East Lansing] Michigan State College Press, 1952.
Publication 159 of 168
AUTHOR Dalton, Joseph David, 1919-
TITLE Effect of organic matter on the availability of the fixed
phosphates in the soil and phosphates in rock phosphate.
Publication 160 of 168
AUTHOR Bradley, Donald Bigelow, 1921-
TITLE The precipitation of phosphorus by iron and aluminum as
influenced by pH and pure organic substances.
Publication 161 of 168
AUTHOR Struthers, Paul Herbert, 1920-
TITLE The influence of organic anions on the replacement of fixed
phosphates at various pH levels.
Publication 162 of 168
AUTHOR Bass, Garland Booker, 1919-
TITLE A new method for determining the phosphate fixing capacity of
acid soils.
Publication 163 of 168
AUTHOR Russell, Glenn C., 1921-
TITLE The availability to plants of applied phosphorus as influenced by
the presence of organic materials and fluoride.
Publication 164 of 168
AUTHOR Blackmon, Clinton Ralph, 1919-
TITLE The relative capacity of plant species to utilize phosphorus from
aluminum or iron phosphate.
Publication 165 of 168
AUTHOR Everson, John Nelson, 1910?-
TITLE The effect of additions of calcium hydroxide upon the solubility
of phosphorus in certain Massachusetts soils.
Publication 166 of 168
AUTHOR Dyer, Cora Genette.
TITLE A study of the elimination of phosphorus following its ingestion
in organic and inorganic forms.
Publication 167 of 168
AUTHOR Bogue, Robert Herman, 1889-
TITLE The absorption of potassium and phosphate ions by typical soils
of the Connecticut Valley.
Publication 168 of 168
AUTHOR Hern, S. C.
TITLE Comparisons of models predicting ambient lake phosphorus
concentrations / by Stephen C. Hern, Victor W. Lambou, and
Llewellyn R. Williams, Environmental Monitoring and Support
IMPRINT 22161.
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